
Joint IASD/DreamScienceTM foundation
Grant Partnership (updated 7-15/2024)



The International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) is working in partnership with the DreamScience Foundation (DSF), to provide seed grants for dream research. The objective of this joint granting activity is to stimulate dream related research with students and professionals who might not otherwise be able to pursue that research project and to enhance the S mission of IASD in supporting research. The grants would be awarded to recipients through a process of rating and selection by the Research Grant Committee (as described below). If you identify as a member of an ethnic group that has been underrepresented in the field of dream research, you may also apply for IASD DEI Dream Research Grant funding support (follow the instructions in the SAMPLE or SUBMISSION FORM). The number of grants, and the amount for each, will be limited by the funds made available each year from DSF and other sponsoring groups or individuals who donate to dream research.

Submission Areas: High quality quantitative and qualitative research proposals are invited in areas related to dreams and dreaming, including but not limited to the biology or neuroscience of dreaming, phenomenological and psychological studies of dreaming, and such fields as anthropological and cultural studies. Targeted sponsorship for special disciplines (such as for PTSD, Lucidity and such) would be advertised in the Call for Grant Proposals in that funding cycle.

Grant Award Process: at least once per year, in conjunction with the IASD annual conference in June, IASD and DSF will announce a call for research proposals with deadlines of 15 October each year. Grants awards are limited by the funds received from public donations to dream research, the DreamScience Foundation (DSF), IASD matching, and donations to “IASD Diversity.” Qualification for grant awards is based first on a research quality rating by the Research Grant Committee (RGC) of professional researchers and then, for those qualifying for specially sponsored funding, a secondary review by the sponsors such as the  IASD Diversity Advisory Committee (DAC). Research quality rating is based on: a) value to dream science and the population served; b) a solid methodology and design; and c) various risk elements including ethics review, funding required, reasonability of achieving the objectives and such.  Grants are typically awarded in the December time frame and at that time announced on the DSF and IASD web sites as well as in IASD newsletters and the periodical DreamTime. The awardee(s) of the previous year’s grant(s) will also be announced at the annual IASD conference the following year and one researcher from the team will be provided with a waved fee scholarship opportunity to present preliminary or final results at that or a following conference.


The International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) is a nonprofit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. Its purpose is to promote an awareness and appreciation of dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams; and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information. IASD is open to anyone who studies, explores, or works with dreams. Membership represents about 30 countries and people from all disciplines with benefits that include our APA published journal Dreaming and the magazine DreamTime.

The DreamScience Foundation (DSF): was created for the purpose of providing private funding in a co-funding partnership with IASD, toward research in dreams and dreaming. Go to for more information on the organization. DSF funds are privately donated, a majority in a matching arrangement with IASD in support of this granting partnership.

IASD DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) Dream Research Grant sponsor. is a perpetual opportunity made possible from donations to “IASD Diversity.”  If you are submitting a proposal for an IASD/DSF research grant and identify as a member of an ethnic group that has been underrepresented in the field of dream research, you may also apply for IASD DEI Dream Research Grant funding support. Follow the instructions in the SAMPLE or ONLINE SUBMISSION FORM for both qualifying as a research grant but also to request approval for DEI funding support. This requires additional supporting information be added to the APPLICATION FOR IASD DEI FUNDING SUPPORT field in the online submission form. For a further description of this grant opportunity, see the IASD Dreams & Ethnicity Portal

Special Sponsorships: from time-to-time donations are provided for and restricted to supporting specific populations or areas of research. These will be announced in the Call in


Submission Deadline: 15 October each year

Submissions Must be Electronically Submitted Via the Online Form.


  • DOWNLOAD THE SAMPLE FORM for a copy of the Online Submission Form to guide your preparation. It is ONLY A SAMPLE and is NOT to be sent in as a submission.


Once your proposal’s content is ready it can be copied into the online research GRANT PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORM here.  Note that the form cannot be edited once submitted (but can be resubmitted).

Once your online form has been completed and submitted you will receive automatic confirmation of receipt. If you do not receive confirmation of receipt or have a question, please contact the IASD Central Office ( and copy Bob Hoss ( ). All communication will only be via e-mail so make sure your e-mail address is correct in all documentation.